Global E-Commerce Leaders Podcast

Nathan Isaacson, GM Digital at New Balance talks digital commerce leadership, the platform world and cracking the code with Amazon

Episode Summary

The global pandemic has super-charged the growth of E-commerce in markets around the world – and accelerated digital commerce trends for retail brands selling direct-to-consumer (DTC). As different countries respond to the global pandemic with different timelines, retail stores will reclaim a small share of sales that has shifted online. But the shift to digital has legs; a Kantar/Detail Online study found that six out of ten consumers say that they will continue to buy as much online as they are now buying after the pandemic has passed. Global E-Commerce leaders are leveraging lessons learned internationally to fuel this domestic growth of retail sales in both established and emerging digital channels.  In this episode, we talk with Nathan Isaacson, GM Digital at New Balance and talk about his digital commerce leadership in today’s dynamic market environment, the platform world, how New Balance cracked the code with Amazon, and forming  & fostering a culture of leadership and innovation.

Episode Notes

Welcome to Global E-Commerce Tech Talks, I’m your host Michael LeBlanc, and this podcast is brought to you in conjunction with the Global E-Commerce Leaders Forum.

The global pandemic has super-charged the growth of E-commerce in markets around the world – and accelerated digital commerce trends for retail brands selling direct-to-consumer (DTC).

As different countries respond to the global pandemic with different timelines, retail stores will reclaim a small share of sales that has shifted online. But the shift to digital has legs; a Kantar/Detail Online study found that six out of ten consumers say that they will continue to buy as much online as they are now buying after the pandemic has passed.

Global E-Commerce leaders are leveraging lessons learned internationally to fuel this domestic growth of retail sales in both established and emerging digital channels.  In this episode, we talk with Nathan Isaacson, GM Digital at New Balance and talk about his digital commerce leadership in today’s dynamic market environment, the platform world, how New Balance cracked the code with Amazon, and forming  & fostering a culture of leadership and innovation.


That’s a wrap on this edition of Global E-Commerce Tech Talks.  If you liked this podcast you can subscribe on Apple iTunes or your favourite podcast platform, please rate and review, and be sure and recommend to a friend or colleague in the retail and cross-borders commerce industry.

I’m Michael LeBlanc, Founder and President of M.E. LeBlanc and Company Inc. and you can learn more about me on, and you can learn more about the Global E-Commerce Leaders Form online at

Until next time, have a safe week!